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Rock, Paper, Psychic

The challenge presents us with a 7z archive, which extracts to an .exe binary. I executed the binary and tried a few easy classics (buffer overflow/format string stuff) and some pretty cheesy exploits from similarly-named CTF challenges - unfortunately it’s not going to be quite that easy.

Loading the binary into IDA, we are able to perform a quick search for the term flag and make a quick note of relevant functions or symbols:

Interesting functions

IDA’s function search results

Checking out our printFlag function, I have a pretty solid interpretation of what I’m looking at, but the mangled Nim disasm took me a bit off-guard:

  • The program seems to have been written in Nim,
  • The binary itself calls the printFlag function when a player wins.
  • This function seems to be a loop, which performs two general actions:
    1. lea computes the address of a memory operand, storing the resulting location in the rcx register
    2. a function, copyString, is called - I didn’t really go into this function, but ultimately it’s pretty inconsequential to the function’s outcome; I’m assuming this is a memory-safe way to dereference pointers or something.
  • The loop runs twice on two strings - TM__V45tF8B8NBcxFcjfe7lhBw_38 in the first iteration, and TM__V45tF8B8NBcxFcjfe7lhBw_39 in the second.
  • Finally, the program calls the function fromRC4, which appears to be the recipient of both strings.

To summarize, it seems like the flag is RC4-encrypted, and is stored in the read-only .rdata section. Once a player wins, and the program will decrypt the flag and then print it to STDOUT.

IDA graph view

IDA’s graph view of the program’s call flow

Text view

.text view

Moving to the addresses referenced by TM__V45tF8B8NBcxFcjfe7lhBw_38 & TM__V45tF8B8NBcxFcjfe7lhBw_39 in the .rdata section - this means the variables are constants (i.e, read-only; not used to store dynamic data).

We see they hold the following values respectively:

.rdata:000000000041D9E0 TM__V45tF8B8NBcxFcjfe7lhBw_39 db  4Ch ; L
.rdata:000000000041D9E0                                         ; DATA XREF: printFlag__main_6+14↑o
.rdata:000000000041D9E1                 db    0
.rdata:000000000041D9E2                 db    0
.rdata:000000000041D9E3                 db    0
.rdata:000000000041D9E4                 db    0
.rdata:000000000041D9E5                 db    0
.rdata:000000000041D9E6                 db    0
.rdata:000000000041D9E7                 db    0
.rdata:000000000041D9E8                 db  4Ch ; L
.rdata:000000000041D9E9                 db    0
.rdata:000000000041D9EA                 db    0
.rdata:000000000041D9EB                 db    0
.rdata:000000000041D9EC                 db    0
.rdata:000000000041D9ED                 db    0
.rdata:000000000041D9EE                 db    0
.rdata:000000000041D9EF                 db  40h ; @D1E2A0D9FA89CABED207EDF4F55C688E04EBE20F077351BDAA1E110D5A74805C916AF12F054C
.rdata: .....truncated addresses.....
.rdata:000000000041DA3C                 db    0
.rdata:000000000041DA3D                 db    0
.rdata:000000000041DA3E                 db    0
.rdata:000000000041DA3F                 db    0
.rdata:000000000041DA40 TM__V45tF8B8NBcxFcjfe7lhBw_38 db  50h ; P
.rdata:000000000041DA40                                         ; DATA XREF: printFlag__main_6+8↑o
.rdata:000000000041DA41                 db    0
.rdata:000000000041DA42                 db    0
.rdata:000000000041DA43                 db    0
.rdata:000000000041DA44                 db    0
.rdata:000000000041DA45                 db    0
.rdata:000000000041DA46                 db    0
.rdata:000000000041DA47                 db    0
.rdata:000000000041DA48                 db  50h ; P
.rdata:000000000041DA49                 db    0
.rdata:000000000041DA4A                 db    0
.rdata:000000000041DA4B                 db    0
.rdata:000000000041DA4C                 db    0
.rdata:000000000041DA4D                 db    0
.rdata:000000000041DA4E                 db    0
.rdata:000000000041DA4F                 db  40h ; @gnnhexnyjkwpaghynzfthadollhtrhballsdmhhnbjppewgjkhnlhspwjswqoxtgdykxrhwlabblekxj
.rdata: .....truncated addresses.....
.rdata:000000000041DAA0                 db    0
.rdata:000000000041DAA1                 db    0
.rdata:000000000041DAA2                 db    0
.rdata:000000000041DAA3                 db    0
.rdata:000000000041DAA4                 db    0
.rdata:000000000041DAA5                 db    0
.rdata:000000000041DAA6                 db    0
.rdata:000000000041DAA7                 db    0

NOTE: Each byte of these variables were stored in a unique address and so the visual representation we got in IDA was a little different, but the end result is ultimately the same.

The decryption process uses the strings P P @gnnhexnyjkwpaghynzfthadollhtrhballsdmhhnbjppewgjkhnlhspwjswqoxtgdykxrhwlabblekxj and L L @D1E2A0D9FA89CABED207EDF4F55C688E04EBE20F077351BDAA1E110D5A74805C916AF12F054C to decipher and print a flag.

Digging a little into the RC4 decryption function, we will find some child functions necessary to understand how we should ultimately be performing a decryption:

  • genKeystream__OOZOnimbleZpkgsZ8267524548O49O48Z826752_2,
  • fromHex__OOZOnimbleZpkgsZ8267524548O49O48Z826752_83.



genKeystream seems to just utilize a plaintext value, and it is fairly safe to assume fromHex will convert a string from its hex representation to ASCII. I also am assuming that the L L @... & P P @... portions of each string are use to identify the key from the input, and that we should remove them before trying to descrypt anything.

With two strings in hand, we could force it and mash them together until something works, but I wanted to try making an educated guess on which string was which; a quick Google search returned this Nim RC4 library on GitHub.

The function from this library expects

  • argument one - possibly TM_..._38 - to be a key,
  • argument two - possibly TM_...39 to be a hexadecimal string containing the ciphertext.

The example closely aligns with the function calls and values in this program, so let’s test this theory and run it through cyberchef:

