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Tragedy Redux

Unzipping the challenge archive, we are given a single file to work with - running file on it tells us that it’s a Zip archive:

$ ls -la
total 56
drwxr-xr-x  2 pls pls  4096 Oct 16 20:00 .
drwxr-xr-x 18 pls pls  4096 Oct 16 19:59 ..
-rw-------  1 pls pls 24518 Oct 15 23:29 tragedy_redux
-rwxr-xr-x  1 pls pls 21810 Oct 16 19:59 tragedy_redux.7z

$ file tragedy_redux
tragedy_redux: Zip archive data, made by v4.5, extract using at least v2.0, last modified, last modified Sun, Jan 01 1980 00:00:00, uncompressed size 1453, method=deflate

Performing a second extraction, we are given some XML documents and references to Microsoft Word & Visual Basic - alongside an error that indicates this might not be what we think it is - bad zipfile offset (local header sig): 0

$ unzip tragedy_redux
Archive:  tragedy_redux
file #1:  bad zipfile offset (local header sig):  0
  inflating: _rels/.rels
  inflating: word/document.xml
  inflating: word/_rels/document.xml.rels
  inflating: word/vbaProject.bin
  inflating: word/theme/theme1.xml
  inflating: word/_rels/vbaProject.bin.rels
  inflating: word/vbaData.xml
  inflating: word/settings.xml
  inflating: word/styles.xml
  inflating: word/webSettings.xml
  inflating: word/fontTable.xml
  inflating: docProps/core.xml
  inflating: docProps/app.xml

Seems like this isn’t ACTUALLY a Zip archive.

My assumption then is that this is a VBA Macro for MS Word, though loading this into Word’s VB editor tool throws an error:


And attempting to load word/vbaProject.bin by itself yields another error:


I make another guess that the standalone .bin would contain file header info - in this case, ÐÏࡱá; I make a lot of assumptions, but at the end of the day I suppose that’s kind of what this is all about. Regardless, that seems pretty cursed, even for file headers, so I thought it was a bit unlikely. Turns out this was a pretty solid guess as it IS header info - its a mangled hex-to-ASCII conversion for an Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) Compound File. There are also numerous references to the OLE file format scattered throughout the compiled tragedy_redux code, too, which is a very promising outcome.

I couldn’t figure out a way to actually run the code (doesn’t seem like a great way to distribute a malware stager), but with the OLE keyword as part of my vocab I was able to pretty quickly find a simple method to extract the OLE archive by way of a python script - OLEDump.py.

Downloading OLEDump.py and passing the vbaProject.bin file to it yields the following output:

$ python ../oledump.py vbaProject.bin
  1:       410 'PROJECT'
  2:        71 'PROJECTwm'
  3: M    6164 'VBA/NewMacros'
  4: m     954 'VBA/ThisDocument'
  5:      3067 'VBA/_VBA_PROJECT'
  6:      3003 'VBA/__SRP_0'
  7:       226 'VBA/__SRP_1'
  8:      2334 'VBA/__SRP_2'
  9:       526 'VBA/__SRP_3'
 10:       571 'VBA/dir'

As described in the article prior, files containing VBA macros are denoted via an M flag in the second column in the script’s output. We are then able to run OLEDump.py with the -s <stream-no.> argument, passing vbaProject.bin once again (specifying the -v argument here to indicate that we want to decompress the macro). I’m going to also pipe the output to tee and write it to a file so I can open it in an IDE, because the script is obfuscated:

$ python ../oledump.py -s 3 -v vbaProject.bin | tee vbaDecomp.txt
Attribute VB_Name = "NewMacros"
Function Pears(Beets)
    Pears = Chr(Beets - 17)
End Function

Function Strawberries(Grapes)
    Strawberries = Left(Grapes, 3)
End Function

Function Almonds(Jelly)
    Almonds = Right(Jelly, Len(Jelly) - 3)
End Function

Function Nuts(Milk)
    OatMilk = OatMilk + Pears(Strawberries(Milk))
    Milk = Almonds(Milk)
    Loop While Len(Milk) > 0
    Nuts = OatMilk
End Function

Function Bears(Cows)
    Bears = StrReverse(Cows)
End Function

Function Tragedy()

    Dim Apples As String
    Dim Water As String

    If ActiveDocument.Name <> Nuts("131134127127118131063117128116") Then
        Exit Function
    End If

    Apples = "1291281361181311321211181251250490621181271160490910881071321061041160..." 'long string, truncated for brevity.
    Water = Nuts(Apples)

    GetObject(Nuts("136122127126120126133132075")).Get(Nuts("104122127068067112097131128116118132132")).Create Water, Tea, Coffee, Napkin

End Function

Sub AutoOpen()
End Sub

Visual Basic looks cursed (because it is) - but we can walk through the script and describe the purpose of each function:

  • Pears(Beets) -> Subtracts 17 from a number and returns its corresponding ASCII character,
  • Strawberries(Grapes) -> Returns the first 3 characters in a string,
  • Almonds(Jelly) -> Removes the first 3 characters in a string,
  • Nuts(Milk) -> Like the script’s main function - loops through a string which it passes to other functions, concatenating the returned values into a final payload,
  • Bears(Cows) -> Returns a reversed string (this function isn’t used).

Essentially, the program here is building out a payload by looping over a number in 3-character sections, subtracting 17 from the section, and then converting the result to ASCII. I really wanted to simply run this and have it print a payload to my terminal, but I couldn’t get it to run at all - I think I discarded all the garbage variables and functions, like Tea, Coffee, Napkin, and Bears(), but the script adamantly refusing to execute. Maybe it was silently doing deobfuscation and similar malware things in the background? Who knows.

In any case, I gave up and converted the script to python:

# i've added types & comments for clarity

def int_to_str(n: int) -> str:
    """subtract 17 from n and return the associated ascii char"""
    return chr(n - 17)

def slice_str(s: str) -> str:
    """return the first three characters of a string"""
    return s[:3]

def discard_chrs(s: str) -> str:
    """remove the first three characters of a string"""
    return s[3:]

def main(s: str) -> str:
    deobfuscates and returns a string:
        1. use the length of `s` to perform a loop:
            a. pass `s` to `slice_str()`
            b. convert the returned value to an integer and pass to
            c. append the returned char to `stager_payload`
            d. pass `s` to `discard_chrs` remove the processed portion of `s`
        2. loop until the length of `s` is equal to 0
        3. return `stager_payload` to be printed to stdout.

    # store the output from each iteration
    stager_payload = ""

    while len(s) > 0:
        stager_payload += int_to_str(int(slice_str(s)))
        s = discard_chrs(s)
    return stager_payload

payload = "129128136118131132121118125125049062118127116049091088107132106104116074090126" # ... truncated

This script still runs, regardless of the truncation - though it will only output part of the final Powershell command below.

The script here converts the Apples string into a PowerShell command:

powershell -enc JGZsYWc9ImZsYWd7NjNkY2M4MmMzMDE5Nzc2OGY0ZDQ1OGRhMTJmNjE4YmN9Ig==

Finally, we get the flag by decoding the base64 section of the command.

$ echo 'JGZsYWc9ImZsYWd7NjNkY2M4MmMzMDE5Nzc2OGY0ZDQ1OGRhMTJmNjE4YmN9Ig==' | base64 -d