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"Rumour has it Sakana stores the secret recipes for Phase Connect's coffee blends in his garage 'super secure laboratory'. Can you hack..."

Lockpick 2
posted: 11 months ago (2/3/2024)

"We've been hit by Ransomware again, but this time the threat actor seems to have upped their skillset."

posted: 11 months ago (2/2/2024)

"Forela needs your help! A whole portion of our UNIX servers have been hit with what we think is ransomware."

huntress (2023)
posted: 1 year ago (10/21/2023)

"It seems like this website was compromised. We found this file that seems to be related... can you make any sense of these and uncover..."

"Wanna play a game of rock, paper, scissors against a computer that can read your mind? Sounds fun, right?"

"We found this file as part of an attack chain that seemed to manipulate file contents to stage a payload. Can you make any sense of it?"
